Pennie in her bed

Pennie in her bed
Is my dinner ready yet


Pennie - my 15 year old dog

Thursday, 27 May 2010

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19.22pm Missed the Big Issue office today , spent my mag money on dvds from the charity shop in West Norewood got a good bargin though,3 box sets and 6dvds plus 5videos for £8.50.I still have 5 Issues left from yesterday so I think I will head to Balham to sell them , my dog wants to go for a walk aswell. Badly need some glasses have got an appointment with optitian on tue . Tommorrow I see my St Mungoes keyworker about getting my own flat , should have that sorted by the end of the year .PENNIE (my dog) is pacing up and down think its time for her to go out , with a bit of luck I will make enough to get 15-20 mags tommorow £17 for 20 back later....

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